Microsoft 365 Copilot: Is your data ready?
Since the announcement of Microsoft 365 Copilot in March, and various other copilot announcements, this technology has garnered tremendous interest and excitement, especially considering it still hasn't been released!
The promise of AI tools that directly interface with your Microsoft 365 apps and data offers revolutionary capabilities to a far wider audience than any set of AI tools have to date. Imagine being able to summarize email threads or create documents at the click of a button.
However, in the background is a question. Most businesses don't use Microsoft 365 for 100% of what they do, so how will Copilot deal with data that's inside those 3rd-party apps? Will there be options, or will you be out of luck if you don't use Microsoft 365 for everything?
We don't know the answers to these questions yet, but in this video we review what we do know, and make predictions and suggestions based on this information and knowledge of other associated Microsoft technologies.