Microsoft 365 Copilot - Your questions answered

As Microsoft continues to slowly release more information about Microsoft 365 Copilot, it can be tough to keep on top of all the latest information. In the last few weeks Microsoft has released information on preparations, licensing, how requests to copilot work, and even how you might use it day-to-day. This video seeks to pull together a lot of the answers to questions that keep coming up to give you the latest information.

All content in this video is derived from public sources and/or events. Much can be found by looking through the included links if you want a deeper understanding.

Nick DeCourcy

Nick DeCourcy is the owner and principal consultant at the Bright Ideas Agency. He has worked extensively in the education and non-profit sectors in areas including operations, facilities, and technology. He is passionate about getting technology implementation right, first time, by fully understanding how it impacts the employee and customer experience.


Microsoft 365 Copilot - I was VERY wrong!


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